New Horizons is a program that provides musical experiences for adults, open to beginning and experienced musicians of all levels.There are no auditions. Members enjoy rehearsing, playing, singing and performing with others in bands, small ensembles, orchestras and/or a chorus. The Eastman-Rochester New Horizons program was founded by Roy Ernst in 1990 and is affiliated with the Eastman Community Music School.
Making good music is a goal but equally important is just having fun and socializing with interesting people.
Recordings of the spring concerts are available on the Past Performances page listed under the MORE menu.
The New Horizons Chorus will be singing the national anthem at the Red Wings baseball game on Tuesday, August 13 at 6:45 PM. Come support them and attend the game along with other New Horizons members.

Finding My Voice
Ann Tippet
'If you cannot teach me to fly, teach me to sing”.
J.M Barrie, author of Peter Pan
“I wish I could sing, I mean really sing.” Those words were how I identified myself musically for over 50 years. My mother had a beautiful soprano voice and sang in church choirs, community choirs and in her later years, in a chorus much like New Horizons. She was also an accomplished pianist and, in her early years, a clarinetist (more on that later). I loved to hear her sing and realized at an early age the intoxicating power of language combined with music.
Click here to read the rest of my story